Modeling Star Formation Histories

As I mentioned in the first post I’ve been doing star formation history (SFH) modeling by full spectrum fitting of galaxy spectra for several years. I’m going to quickly review what I do as a prelude to the next several posts where I plan to look at my proto-K+A galaxy in more detail. I’ll probably return to modeling details in the future. I still haven’t reached the point of having version controlled code let alone “publishing” it, but that’s not far off (I hope).

Full spectrum fitting is actually pretty simple, especially since other people have already done the hard work. The basic observational data is a set of monochromatic fluxes \(g_{\lambda}\) with estimated uncertainty at each point \(\lambda\) (\(\lambda\) is just a discrete valued index here) \(\sigma_{\lambda}\) or precision (inverse variance) \(p_{\lambda} = 1/\sigma^2_{\lambda}\) . For now let’s assume that observed fluxes are independently gaussian distributed with known variances (yes, this is a simplification).

The second main ingredient is a set of template spectra \(T_{\lambda, n}, n = 1, \ldots, N\), which nowadays usually comprises model spectra from a library of simple stellar population (SSP) models. If the physical parameters of the templates span those of the galaxy being modeled its spectrum would be fit with some nonnegative combination of the template spectra:

\(g_{\lambda} = \sum_{n=1}^N \beta_n T_{\lambda, n} + \epsilon_{\lambda}, ~~\beta_n \ge 0~~ \forall n\)


and by assumption the errors \(\epsilon_{\lambda}\) are gaussian distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation \(\sigma_{\lambda}\).

The spectroscopy  we deal with is high enough resolution to be blurred by the constituents of the galaxy, so an additional ingredient is the “line of sight velocity distribution” (LOSVD), which must be convolved with the templates. Finally, it’s common to include additive or multiplicative functions to the model to allow for calibration variations or to model attenuation. I hopefully assume calibrations are well matched between observations and models and only attempt to model attenuation, usually with a Calzetti relation parametrized by optical depth. So, the full model looks like:

\(g_{\lambda} = \sum_{n=1}^N \beta_n  (\mathcal{L}(v_n) \ast T_{\lambda, n}) \exp(-\tau_{V, n} A_{\lambda}) + \epsilon_{\lambda}, ~~\beta_n \ge 0~~ \forall n\)


where the \(v_n\) are (possibly vector valued) parameters of the LOSVD and \(\tau_{V,n}\) is the dust optical depth at V. These are nominally indexed by n to indicate that there may be different values for different model constituents. In practice I only consider a few distinct components.

An important insight of Cappellari and Ensellem (2004) that was dismissed in two sentences is that conditional on the parameters of the LOSVD and any multiplicative factors the subproblem of solving for the coefficients \(\beta_n\) is a linear model in the parameters with nonnegativity constraints, for which there is a fast, deterministic least squares algorithm due originally to Lawson and Hanson (1974). This greatly simplifies the nonlinear optimization problem because whatever algorithm is chosen for that only needs to optimize over the parameters of the LOSVD and optical depth. I currently use the general purpose optimization R package Rsolnp along with nnls for SED fitting. This is all similar to Cappellari’s ppxf but less versatile; my main interest is in star formation histories and I’ve found a better way to estimate them in a fully Bayesian framework. These days I mostly use the maximum likelihood fits as inputs to the Bayesian model implemented in Stan.

I have used several SSP libraries, but the workhorses recently have been subsets of the EMILES library with BaSTI isochrones and Kroupa IMF, supplemented with some unevolved models from BC03. One thing I do that’s not unprecedented but still somewhat unusual is to fit emission lines simultaneously with the stellar library fits. I do this by creating fake emission line spectra, one for each line being fit (usually the lower order Balmer lines and selected forbidden lines).

The models that I’m likely to discuss for the foreseeable future use separate single component gaussian fits to the stellar and emission line velocity distributions. I assume the velocity offsets calculated in the first step of the analysis are accurate, so the mean of the distributions is set to 0. I also use a single component dust model, usually with Calzetti attenuation relation. I don’t try to tie the relative strengths of emission lines, so attenuation is only directly modeled for the stellar component. These assumptions are obviously too simple for galaxies with broad emission line components or interacting galaxies with overlapping stellar components. For now I plan to ignore those.

One interesting property of the NNLS algorithm for this application is that it always returns a parsimonious solution for the stellar component, with usually only a handful of contributors. An example of a solution from a fit to the central spectrum of the proto-K+A galaxy I introduced a few posts ago is shown below. The grey bars are the optimal contributions (proportional to the mass born in each age and metallicity bin) from the elements of the SSP library. This particular subset has 3 metallicity bins and 27 age bins ordered from low to high.

Only six (actually a seventh makes a negligible contribution) SSP model components are in the optimal fit, out of 81 in this particular library. Usually in statistics sparsity is considered a highly desirable property, especially in situations like this with a large number of explanatory variables. Considerable effort has been made to derive conditions where non-negative least squares, which has no tuning parameters, automatically produces sparse solutions (see for example Meinshausen 2013). However in this context sparsity is maybe not so desirable since we expect star formation to vary continuously over time in most cases rather than in a few short bursts as would be implied here: as a Bayesian my prior assigns positive probability density to star formation at all times.

But in the absence of a parametric functional form for star formation histories a fully Bayesian treatment of SED modeling is an extremely difficult problem. The main issue is that model spectra are highly correlated; if we could visualize the N dimensional likelihood landscape we’d see a long, curving, steep sided ridge near the maximum. I’ve tried a number of samplers over the years including various forms of Metropolis-Hastings and the astronomers’ favorite EMCEE and none of them are able to  achieve usable acceptance rates. A few years ago I discovered that the version of “Hamiltonian Monte Carlo” (informally called the No U-Turn Sampler, or NUTS) implemented in the Stan modeling language is capable of converging to stationary distributions in a tractable amount of time. In the plot below the red dots indicate the range of values taken by each SSP model contribution in the post-warmup sample from a Stan run. Now all time and metallicity bins are represented in the model in amounts that are at least astrophysically plausible. For example instead of a single old component as in the NNLS fit the pre-burst history indicates continuous, slowly declining star formation, which is reasonable for the likely spiral progenitors.

Sample non-negative maximum likelihood SSP fit to full spectrum and Stan fit compared

A trace plot, that is a sequential plot of each draw from the sampler, is shown for a few parameters below — these are the single old component in the maximum likelihood fit and the two in the surrounding age bins. Samples spread out rather quickly from the initialized values at the MLE, reaching in this case a stationary distribution about 2/3 of the way through the adaptation interval shown shaded in gray; I used a rather short warmup period of just 150 iterations for this run (the default is 1000, while I generally use 250 which seems adequate). There were 250 post warmup iterations for each of 4 chains in this run. No thinning is needed because the chains show very little autocorrelation, making the final sample size of 1000 adequate for inference. Most physical quantities related to the stellar contributions involve weighted sums of some or all coefficients, and these typically show little variation between runs.

Sample traceplot from Stan run

Posterior marginal distributions often have very long tails as shown here. This can be a problem for MCMC samplers and Stan is quite aggressive in warning about potential convergence issues. The quantities that I track tend to have much more symmetrical distributions.

Sample marginal posterior distributions of stellar contributions

Fits to emission lines tend to behave differently. If they’re actually present the MLE will have positive contributions (the coefficients are proportional to emission line fluxes). On the other hand in a passively evolving galaxy with no emission lines the MLE estimate is typically sparse, that is coefficient estimates will tend to be 0 rather than spuriously small positive values.

Example maximum likelihood fit of emission lines compared to Stan fit

Sample values from Stan tend to stay centered on the ML fits (Hα and the surrounding [N II] lines are shown here):

Sample trace plot of emission line contributions

Marginal posterior distributions tend to be symmetrical, close to Gaussian, and uncorrelated with anything else (except for the [O II] 3727-3729Å doublet, which will have negatively correlated contributions).

Sample marginal posterior distributions of emission line contributions

One thing that’s noteworthy that I haven’t discussed yet is that usually all available metallicity bins make contributions at all ages. I haven’t been able to convince myself that this says anything about the actual distribution of stellar metallicities, let alone chemical enrichment histories. In recent months I’ve started looking at strong emission line metallicity indicators. These appear to give more reliable estimates of present day gas phase abundances, at least when emission lines are actually present.


CGCG 292-024

I may as well post this here too. This HST ACS/WFC image was taken as part of SNAP program 15445, “Gems of the Galaxy Zoos,” PI Bill Keel with numerous collaborators associated with Galaxy Zoo (see also this Galaxy Zoo blog post). This is my Q&D processing job on the calibrated/distortion corrected fits file using STIFF and a bit of Photoshop adjustment.

cgcg 292-024
CGCG 292-024 HST/ACS F475W
Proposal ID 15445 “ZOOGEMS”, PI Keel

Comparing that to the finder chart image from SDSS below, which is oriented slightly differently, it appears the area observed spectroscopically was a centrally located star cluster or maybe complex of star clusters.

cgcg 292-024
CGCG 292-024 SDSS finder chart image with spectrum location marked

What interested me about this and a number of other nearby galaxies (which were discussed at some length on the old Galaxy Zoo Talk) is it has a classic K+A spectrum:

SDSS spectrum of central region of CGCG 292-024

that the SDSS spectro pipeline erroneously calls a star with an improbably high radial velocity of ≈1200 km/sec. Well it’s not a foreground star obviously enough, and the SDSS redshift is close but not quite right. I measure it to be z = 0.0043, or cz = 1289 km/sec, which agrees well enough with the NED value of 1282 km/sec (obtained from an HI radial velocity by by Garcia et al. 1994).

Karachentsev, Nasonova, and Curtois (2013) assign this galaxy to the NGC 3838 (which is just NW of our target galaxy) group, which they place in the background of the Ursa Majoris “cloud,” which is in turn a loose conglomerate of 7 groups about 20 Mpc. distant. They adopt a distance modulus to the group of 32.3 mag., which is a little higher than the NED value (with H0 = 70 km/sec/Mpc) for this galaxy of 31.6 mag. SDSS lists the g band psfMag as 18.7 for the spectroscopic target, which makes its absolute magnitude around -12.9.

In contrast to the appearance of the spectrum the galaxy itself doesn’t look like a typical K+A galaxy. In the local universe most field or group K+A’s are disturbed ellipticals, which are thought to be the aftermath of major gas rich mergers. This galaxy, while irregular in morphology, is not particularly disturbed in appearance and shows no sign of having recently merged. Quenching mechanisms that are thought to act in cluster environments aren’t likely to be effective here since the Ursa Majoris complex isn’t especially dense (and according to the above authors also light on dark matter). I think I speculated online that this and galaxies like it might actually be old and metal poor (having the infamous “age-metallicity” degeneracy in mind), but that doesn’t really work. Even the most metal poor galactic globular clusters are considerably redder than the spectroscopic object.

So, I did some SFH modeling, which I will describe in more detail in a future post. I currently mostly use a subset of the EMILES SSP library with Kroupa IMF, BaSTI isochrones and 4 metallicity bins between [Z/Zsun] = -0.66 and +0.40. I supplement these with unevolved models from BC03 matched as nearly as possible in metallicity. For this exercise I also assembled a metal poor library from the Z = -2.27, -1.26, and -0.25 models with all available ages from 30Myr to 14Gyr. Here are estimated mass growth histories:

Estimated mass growth histories, EMILES and metal poor EMILES

Both models have nearly constant rates of mass growth over cosmic history which implies slowly declining star formation, with the metal poor models having slightly faster early mass growth (and hence slightly older light weighted age). Neither exhibits a starburst, faded or otherwise. The “metal rich” model fits show a slight acceleration beginning about 1Gyr ago, while the “metal poor” fits have a few percent contribution from the youngest, 30Myr, population (which already has quite strong Balmer absorption). So the age-metallicity degeneracy manifests in these full spectrum fitting models as small(ish) variations in detailed star formation histories. The fits to the data are indistinguishable:

Posterior predictive fits to SDSS spectrum of central region of CGCG 292-024

The fits to the Balmer lines appear to be systematically weak but this seems to be an artifact. Zooming in on the blue end of the spectrum the posterior predictive fits match the full depth of the absorption lines (Balmer lines from Hγ to Hη are marked)[1]:

Posterior predictive fit to blue part of spectrum

While weak there is some ionized gas emission (note for example that Hα is completely filled in, which implies the emission equivalent width is ~several Å). Here are BPT diagnostic plots for [N II]/Hα, [S II]/Hα, and [O I]/Hα vs [O III]/Hβ. The contours indicate the joint posterior density of the line ratios with arbitrary spacing. The lines are the usual SF/something else demarcation lines from Kewley et al. Although the constraints aren’t very strong most of the probability mass lies outside the starforming region, suggesting that the area sampled by the fiber is at least for now “retired.”

The BR panel of the plot shows the estimated posterior distribution of the “strong line” metallicity indicator O3N2 with the calibration of Pettini & Pagel (2004). This does indicate that the gas-phase metallicity is sub-solar by about 0.6 dex.

BPT diagnostics and strong line metallicity estimate for CGCG 292-024

Conclusion?: I think we’re most likely seeing the effect of stochastic star formation (in time and maybe space as well). The region sampled by the fiber has an estimated (by me) stellar mass slightly lower than \(10^7 M_{\odot}\), which is probably low enough for supernova feedback to at least temporarily suppress star formation. Without more data it’s hard to tell if star formation is globally suppressed at present, but there’s no real reason to think it is. There is a supply of neutral Hydrogen available (see Garcia et al. linked above and Serra et al. 2012), so star formation could well resume any time.

Continue reading “CGCG 292-024”

A proto-K+A elliptical in MaNGA (part 1)

This isn’t quite an accidental “discovery.” There’s been a fair amount of interest in recent years in finding “transitional” galaxies that are rapidly shutting down star formation but that don’t meet the traditional criteria for K+A galaxies (see for example Alatalo et al. 2014, 2016; Wild et al. 2007 among many others). A while back I made my own effort at assembling a sample of post-starburst candidates by looking for spectra in SDSS with strong Hδ absorption and emission line ratios other than starforming in the MPA data tables. This sample had some thousands of candidates, of which there are just 26 in the first two MaNGA data releases. As many as half of those were false positives, which is a little too high, so it’s back to the drawing board. But there were a few interesting hits:

KUG 0859+406
KUG 0859+406 image cutout from

This cutout (from the MzLS+BASS surveys) shows clearly a pair of tidal tails and some shells, clear signs of a recently consummated merger. The region covered by the IFU footprint on the other hand looks rather featureless:

Plateifu 8440-6104 (mangaid 1-216976) SDSS cutout with IFU footprint

In the remainder of this post I’ll look at a few measured, not too model dependent, properties of the IFU data. In future post(s) I’ll look at the results of star formation history models and other model dependent properties. One thing I’m interested in learning more about is if SFH models of merger remnants tell us anything about the chronology of mergers. We’ll see!

MaNGA data cubes include synthesized griz images created by projecting the spectra onto the filter transmission functions at each spaxel. Below is a g-i color map from these synthetic images, with the color corrected for galactic extinction but not any internal attenuation that might be present. There are hints of structure that indicate the merger remnant hasn’t quite reached equilbrium, but more importantly there is a clear positive color gradient with radius as seen on the right, with a turnover in the slope of the gradient at ≈2 kpc. A positive color gradient is the opposite of what would be seen in a normal disk galaxy, but exactly what we’d expect from the aftermath of a major merger with a centrally concentrated starburst.


L: Synthetic g-i map from IFU data cube, plateifu 8440-6104 (mangaid 1-216976)
R: g-i color trend with radius

Several measured quantities are shown below. The input data for these were the stacked RSS files, with the measurements interpolated onto a fine grid for visualization. The velocity field (top left) has several interesting features. First, there is no apparent overall rotation, but the symmetrical pair of lobes with opposite velocity signs just outside the nucleus indicate the presence of a rotating disk or torus. These are known as “kinematically distinct cores” and are somewhat common in early type galaxies (for example Krajnovic et al. 2011), and are expected in some cases in major gas rich mergers (eg Bekki et al. 2005).

The other three panes of this plot are the equivalent width in absorption of the Balmer line Hδ (TR), the 4000Å break strength D\(_n\)(4000) (BL), and Hα emission equivalent width (BR). Hδ is a measure of Balmer absorption line strength and is sensitive to the presence of an intermediate age population. A threshold of around 5Å is usually used to select post-starburst galaxies (eg Goto 2005). My measured peak line strength is \(6.5 \pm 0.2 \)Å (the same as the MPA estimated emission corrected value for the SDSS fiber spectrum), and the inner \(\approx 1.5\) kpc. has Hδ > 5Å, with scattered regions at larger radius also exceeding this threshold (although measurement errors are much larger). However emission line strengths are too large in the central region for traditional K+A selection criteria, which usually require Hα equivalent width (in emission) \(\lesssim 3-5\)Å. I estimate the peak Hα equivalent with to be about 11Å (my code for this is still experimental and hasn’t been validated against other measurements. The MPA value for the SDSS fiber was 14Å. My absorption line index measurements and uncertainty estimates on the other hand agree very well with the MPA values, so I consider them well validated).

Velocity field, Hδ equivalent width, 4000Å break strength, Hα emission equivalent width

The plot below shows a few properties of the emission lines. Hα luminosity declines monotonically with radius, with a fairly sharp transition at ≈2.5 kpc where Hβ is no longer securely detected. The peak luminosity would indicate a central star formation rate density of  \(\approx 0.1 \mbox{M}_{sun} \)/yr/kpc\(^2\) if the ionizing source is entirely young stars. This is almost certainly as much as 3 orders of magnitude lower than the star formation rate at the peak of the starburst.

Somewhat surprisingly, I don’t find this galaxy in any compilations of “transitional galaxies,” including for example the “SPOGS” sample of Alatalo et al. (2106). This is probably because the emission line ratios don’t quite meet their criteria for shocks as the dominant ionizing mechanism. The remaining 3 panes below show the 3 most popular BPT diagnositic diagrams for fibers within 2.5 kpc of the center (beyond that emission line ratios are too uncertain to display). Most of the points in the [N II]/Hα diagram (TR) fall in the so called “composite” region (Kauffmann et al. 2003), which was originally interpreted as indicating a mix of AGN and star formation as the source of ionization. While there might be a weak AGN present (there is a compact radio source visible in FIRST, which could indicate either an AGN or centrally concentrated star formation) it’s unlikely to be a significant ionizing source here. The other diagnostics mostly lie on the starforming side of the boundaries proposed by Kewley et al. (2006), while the handful of points on the Seyfert/LINER side of the boundaries are far from the nucleus. In fact all three sets of line ratios show a trend with radius that’s opposite of what would be expected if an AGN were a significant ionizing source.

Hα luminosity with radius and bpt diagnostic diagrams (inner 2.5 kpc only)

To conclude for now, this is a clear case of a galaxy rapidly transitioning in the aftermath of a major merger. Next up, I’ll look at the results of star formation history models, and speculate about how believable they are. Later perhaps I’ll look at other examples, and maybe discuss why the false positives happened.