As I mentioned in the first post I make extensive use of spectroscopic data products from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), including the single fiber galaxy spectra from the legacy survey and more recently "Integral Field Unit" (IFU) spectra from SDSS-IV MaNGA. For completeness here are links to recent data release and technical overview papers, and to the acknowledgements page. I hope links will suffice.
DR12 release paper (the final SDSS-III data release): Alam et al. 2015
DR13 release: Albareti et al. 2016
DR14 release: Abolfathi et al. 2017
MaNGA papers
General overview: Bundy et al. 2015
Sample and observing strategy: Law et al. 2015 and Wake et al. 2017
Data products: Law et al. 2016